Peace of Eden - Eco vegetarian Forest Retreat
Peace of Eden is part of the Phantom-Homtini Nature Conservancy and is a renowned creative hub, exclusively vegetarian, on the Garden Route that offers accommodation to travellers, a venue for retreats and holistic seminars, a recording studio for musicians and regional field-guided tour services for nature enthusiasts and adventurers. Over the last 20 years Jeni, Howard and Jess have taken care to nurture the land and all that live on it and in doing so it has become a veritable paradise rich in birdlife and other forms of naturally occurring game.
Why visit?
• Tented accommodation along the forest border, cabins and quaint cottages
• Birding with a skilled and knowledgeable field guide
• Forest trail along the stream on our property
� Recording studio with an extensive catalogue of records made by well-known artists
� Wedding and function venue with a difference
� Variety of holistic and creative retreats on offer
� Scrumptious vegetarian meals
� Above all, tranquil and peaceful
What we offer
• We offer simple, comfortable and affordable accommodation
• Self catering and fully catered
• Some have TV and DVD players
• There is a library of disks and books available
Where to find us
Peace of Eden, Westford 193, Remainder Annex Lot A, Rheenendal Road.
We are 8.2 km from the N2 along the Rheenendal Road. Peace of Eden is situated on the left hand side. There are three metal chameleons on the gate between two lit stone pillars.
•GPS co-ordinates:
33�58'46.28"S 22�57'58.31"E
•Distance from Rheenendal turn-off:
Howard and Jeni or reception.
• Tel: 044 388 4671
• Cell: 074 755 5859
• E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]
• Skype: jenhoney1, as well as: howard.edenrecording
website design & maintenance by
marc coetzer
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