Drupkelders Rock Pools
After a leisurely 3km walk through the indigenous forest that rates as average difficulty, you come face to face with the tranquil beauty of the Drupkelder Rock Pools that form part of the Homtini River. The deep red wine coloured water from the tannins roots is crisp and clear - breathtaking! Various pools are positioned between sheer rock cliffs and natural forest. Enormous boulders offer place to laze on after a cool swim and soak up the sun or place out towels and a picnic basket. Due to the nature of the surroundings and minimal space, only 12 people are permitted at any given time via monitored permits issued through SanParks directly. Pack a small picnic basket or backpack for the morning/day. Please note that there are no ablution facilities or refuse bins.

Why visit?
• Breathtaking natural rock pools deep in the forest
• Swim in the cool, crisp red wine coloured waters while taking in the natural surroundings - priceless
• Enjoy the beautiful forest walk down to the pools and the return journey
• Very private and exclusive - only 12 permitted people at any given time

• Swim in a river and savour the birdlife around and sheer magnitude of the mountains, sheer rock faces and abundant indigenous forest
• A forest experience that rivals many and a memory that will stay with you for a long time
• Listen for the Fish Eagle calls and 'caw-caw-caw-caw' of the Knysna Loerie while looking out for the soaring Forest Buzzards
• Great for individuals, couples, family and groups
• If you're a nature lover, love the outdoors, relaxation and peaceful surrounds with your loved one's and a rock pool swim, this is it!

What's offered
• Two very large rock pools with more upstream to explore
• NO ablution facilities available
• NO refuse bins available
• Enormous rocks to laze on

Where to find us
Deep inside the Indigenous Millwood forest.
Follow the Rheenendal Road for 12.6km before turning right onto what will become a sand road. After aroud 2.3km you will come to a 4-way stop and see the SanParks kiosk for your permit. Ask there for directions and final short drive to park near the Drupkelders entrance gate into the forest.
•GPS co-ordinates:
•Distance from Rheenendal turn-off:

14.9 Km to SanParks kiosk.

SanParks kiosk for Permits.

Tel: 044 389 0252

Rock Pools
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Drupkelders Rock Pools - one of the many pools
Drupkelders Rock Pools - savour the beautiful views
Drupkelders Rock Pools - an ideal outing for families